The last thing any of us want to think about is losing a loved one. It’s hard enough when people die from diseases and natural causes. We don’t even want to imagine them dying because of someone else’s negligence. Sadly, thousands of people die every year as a result of someone else being negligent. When this happens, we’re angry and frustrated. We want someone to pay. And they should. Contact an experienced Los Angeles wrongful death lawyer to make sure they do.
It’s not enough to say that you’ve suffered a loss. Wrongful death plaintiffs have suffered the very worst kind of loss. There is nothing your attorney can do to bring your loved one back. All he can do is fight to get you justice. Our personal injury attorneys are compassionate. Dealing with these types of cases isn’t easy. Knowing the kind of pain their clients are suffering is what drives them to work harder. They will do whatever it takes to get you the compensation you deserve.
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If Your Loved One Was Killed, You Need a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Los Angeles
If your loved one has died as a result of negligence, you need a wrongful death lawyer in Los Angeles, CA. You need to spend time grieving with your family. The last thing you need to do is deal with legal issues.
Most wrongful death cases are based on negligence. In order to prove negligence, your Los Angeles wrongful death lawyer will have to show the following:
- The defendant owed your loved one a duty of care
- He breached this duty
- Your loved one was injured and eventually died
- His death was caused by the defendant’s breach
In most cases, it’s easy to show the defendant owed a duty of care. For example, if a doctor performs surgery, he’s expected to perform it safely. The patient shouldn’t die as a result of the surgery. In other cases, the defendant may argue he had no duty at all.
It’s also not difficult to prove that your loved one has died. He is gone, after all.
The question comes down to two things:
- Did the defendant breach their duty?
- Did this breach cause your loved one’s death?
This is where your wrongful death lawyer has to do their work. We will submit evidence to prove that the defendant is responsible for your loved one’s death.
Types of Wrongful Death Cases
There are several types of accidents and events that can cause wrongful death. All it takes is one mistake and someone could end up dead. Los Angeles wrongful death attorneys are able to handle all sorts of cases.
Some of the most common causes of wrongful death include:
Medical Malpractice
A doctor misdiagnoses a patient and he dies from his illness later.. Had he been diagnosed properly, he could’ve received treatment that would have saved his life.
Car Accidents
A drunk driver hits another car at full speed. The driver of the other car suffers traumatic injuries. During surgery the day after the accident, he dies due to complications.
Construction Accidents
The scaffolding at a construction site is faulty. A worker ends up falling three hundred feet to his death.
Aviation Accidents
A plane crashes and all of the passengers are killed. The airline is responsible for any injuries and deaths that result from the accident.
Dangerous Drugs
Some drugs are so dangerous that they kill the patients who use them. Usually, these cases are handled as class action lawsuits.
Defective Products
Some products are so inherently dangerous that they can kill their users. Other products are made incorrectly and the defect makes the product deadly.
If your loved one dies in any similar situation, you may be entitled to compensation. You need to contact an experienced wrongful death attorney who can get you justice..
Your Los Angeles Wrongful Death Attorney Will Demand Compensation
In order to sue for wrongful death, you have to qualify under California’s wrongful death statutes. In order to sue for wrongful death in California, you need to meet the following criteria:
- The deceased person’s spouse
- The domestic partner of the person who died
- The decedent’s children if he didn’t leave a spouse
- If there is no spouse or children, the deceased person’s parents
For the most part, these are the only groups of people who can sue for wrongful death.. Friends and other distant relatives don’t have the right to sue. Nor do business partners or employers.
Your Los Angeles wrongful death lawyer is going to demand that you be compensated for your losses.. Just like the law is strict when it comes to who can sue, it’s also strict about what damages you can demand.
In California, you can demand that you be compensated for the following:
- Funeral and burial expenses
- Medical and hospital bills
- Any lost income
- The decedent’s value of household services
- The loss of future financial support
- The loss of love and guidance your loved one would have provided
Your lawyer is going to fight hard to get your family every penny you deserve. You’ve suffered the ultimate loss and you deserve to be compensated for it.
Contact a Wrongful Death Attorney in Los Angeles Today
If your loved has died a wrongful death, you need to contact an experienced wrongful death attorney in Los Angeles. Your lawyer will handle the legal side of things while you try to recover from your loss.
Call and schedule your free initial consultation today. Sit down with a compassionate and skilled personal injury law firm in Los Angeles. He can answer any questions you may have and let you know what your case may be worth.
The consultation is free and you pay nothing unless you settle your case.