Another plaintiff has come forward to file a Physiomesh lawsuit after his implant allegedly caused him to suffer devastating pain and multiple drainage procedures.
The lawsuit was filed against Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon Inc., the makers of the Physiomesh product. The Physiomesh lawsuit alleges that the defendants improperly manufactured, labeled, marketed and designed the hernia mesh products and that the defendants are liable for these acts.
In 2015, the plaintiff had the Physiomesh product implanted to repair an abdominal wall issue protrusion, associated with an incisional hernia. However, the plaintiff suffered complications after the completion of that Physiomesh implantation including dysfunction, recurrent sarcoma, and pain. The sarcoma led to invasive drainage on numerous occasions.
On Nov. 6, 2017, the plaintiff had to go through revision surgery to remove the defective mesh and repair the damaged tissue. According to the Physiomesh lawsuit, the plaintiff has already suffered and is likely to continue suffering mental anguish, emotional distress and physical pain.
Hernia mesh repair has become increasingly common in recent years but many patients have come forward to allege life-changing injuries due to the poor design of the medical device itself.
History of Physiomesh
The Physiomesh product was placed on the market in October 2010 and the Physiomesh lawsuit alleges that the manufacturers only conducted limited testing on animals and did not publish the unfavorable results of that testing which may have indicated the severe side effects.
For example, the lawsuit states that pre-clinical studies for Physiomesh indicated that multiple adhesions, inflammation, chronic foreign body reaction and shrinkage of the mesh by up to 50 percent could all impact patients.
A multi-layer coating was promoted as beneficial for patients in hernia repair surgeries, however, it may have led to many complications for those patients who ultimately had to have the product removed.
A medical device that breaks down inside the body, however, presents unique challenges to medical professionals who try to remove it. Surgery in and of itself presents risks, but the likelihood of infection and other complications in surgery can be severe for a patient suffering from problems with Physiomesh.
Doctors and patients alike have come forward to argue that Physiomesh, in addition to other mesh products made for the same purpose, can present severe dangers to patients in the form of side effects and revision surgery problems.
The product can break down and migrate to other parts of the body or become stuck to nearby organs, generating serious problems for the patient.
The Physiomesh Lawsuit is Dustyn R. v. Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon Inc., Case No. 8:17-cv-03019-MSS-MAP, in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division.
If you or someone you know has been critically injured by a hernia mesh product, consult with an experienced attorney.. The team at McDonald Worley can help you learn more about your rights to file a legal claim.