Hernia Mesh Revision Lawsuit Claims Severe Infections

A hernia mesh revision lawsuit argues that severe infections and multiple revision surgeries negatively impacted a Louisiana man who received the C.R. Bard version of the mesh.

The lawsuit says that plaintiff Randy R. has gone through hernia mesh repair surgery with the C.R. Bard product while having to cope with significant and painful side effects that make it impossible or difficult to do even the most simple tasks of daily living.

The original incisional hernia repair surgery was completed in January 2006 but the patient returned in 2015 after lodging claims of increasing pain, discomfort and swelling in his abdomen. Doctors identified that Randy had developed an abscess in the umbilical hernia sac in the abdominal wall.

Additional evaluation from doctors revealed that hernia mesh revision surgery would be likely because the hernia mesh was contaminated with bacteria. In 2015, doctors affirmed that the remainder of the mesh product was infected and now antibiotic resistant. The patient underwent additional Bard hernia mesh revision surgery in 2015, upon which doctors discovered that he developed a fistula.

Doctors cannot be certain that they would be able to fully take out all of the materials from his body to prevent him from future injuries.

Hernia Mesh Complications

Unfortunately, this is not the first or only claim brought forth by an injured patient who suffered due to hernia mesh surgery. Many other patients have come forward with similar claims, filing lawsuits after they’ve had to go through revision surgery and experienced other medical complications.

Serious side effects associated with hernia mesh surgeriesComplications reported after hernia surgeries are very common and are most likely to be brought by patients who had surgical mesh implanted.

A variety of life-threatening injuries can occur, including bowel perforation. Other side effects might require revision surgery, which carries its own risks.

Although hernia mesh has been relied on tremendously in recent years to repair hernias, many patients have experienced dangerous side effects. 

The hernia mesh is intended to help when organs or tissue bulges through a weak spot or a tear that has already occurred in a muscle wall.

Many doctors use hernia mesh because it should decrease the likelihood of an injury coming back. However, it can also cause other problems like infection and revision surgery.

Many patients who underwent hernia revision repair surgery expected the side effects to go away, but if the coating of the hernia mesh became adhered to nearby areas, the doctors may not have been able to remove everything. This can lead to further pain and symptoms.

Anyone who has been seriously hurt by a defective medical device may have grounds to pursue an injury claim. A number of prominent defective medical device lawsuits in recent years have raised awareness about the problems that patients have to cope with after having a device implanted.

The Hernia Mesh Revision Lawsuit is Randy R. v. C.R. Bard Inc. and Davol Inc., Case No. 2:17-cv-13657, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Do you need help with a hernia mesh injury claim?? Contact the lawyers at McDonald Worley to learn more.


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