Synthetic Hernia Mesh Connected to High Failure Rate

A study recently published connected synthetic hernia mesh to a high failure rate for patients who had it implanted. In comparison to biological mesh, synthetic hernia mesh may lead to more complications for those patients who get it, a fact which allegedly has not been told to doctors or patients beforehand.

The research study may encourage some physicians and patients to consider alternatives due to the high risk of failure and painful side effects.

the IVC filter market continues to grow despite complicationsPlastic, or polypropylene, makes up synthetic hernia mesh. Hundreds of defective product and personal injury lawsuits have been filed by patients who received the implanted mesh.

According to some of those lawsuits, the plastic makeup of the mesh may be incompatible with human tissue. According to some of those who have been seriously injured after implantation, the synthetic hernia mesh may encourage seroma formations, abscesses, and infections.

The researchers looked at five different mesh types to repair a patient’s inflamed hernia. Some of these were biological and others synthetic. The patients were then analyzed between 30-180 days to determine whether or not complications emerged and to see if the mesh incorporated into nearby tissues as intended.

The results showed that the biological mesh had a much higher rate of incorporation in the body when compared with the synthetic. Furthermore, even though the biological product was tied to some shrinkage, fewer adhesions were identified with the biological product.

A number of manufacturers who create these products have come into the spotlight in recent years after patients filed legal claims. Many of these patients suffered serious side effects after receiving synthetic hernia mesh.. Some had to go through revision surgeries that were complicated by the fact that the product adhered to nearby tissue and a few patients went through multiple revisions surgeries because the product was so difficult to remove.

In June of this year, all cases filed at the federal level were consolidated for pre-trial proceedings regarding Ethicon’s Physiomesh, although that is only one example of a synthetic product and resulting legal claims.

Patients who were harmed by synthetic hernia mesh may also have filed complaints with the FDA. According to information analyzed at the FDA from the many complaints received, the most common issues were obstruction of the bowels, hernia recurrence, infection, and pain.

Many of the reports were tied to products already pulled from the market. Multiple coatings on synthetic hernia mesh may prove more challenging for patients expecting it to incorporate into the body. The longer the product is in place, the more difficult it might be to remove if the patient begins to experience pain.

If you or someone you know has suffered because of synthetic hernia mesh, you may have already dealt with consequences of a problematic product. If you need further information about your legal rights, contact the team at McDonald Worley today for a free case evaluation.


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