New CR Bard IVC Filter Lawsuit Claims Serious Injuries

A new CR Bard IVC filter lawsuit has been filed by a patient who allegedly suffered injuries after having the filter implanted.

The filter in question is part of Bard’s IVC retrievable filter product line that includes devices such as the G2, the G2X, the Recovery, the Denali, the G2 Express, the Eclipse and the Meridian. Patients with these models may have to go through revision surgeries to avoid further complications with their current implant.

According to the CR Bard IVC filter lawsuit, the patient in this case suffered severe and life-changing damages as a result of the implantation of the IVC filter, including impairment, disfigurement, disability, scarring, anxiety, dismemberment, emotional and psychological trauma.

The plaintiff is seeking compensation for loss of consortium, lost wages, medical expenses, loss of earning capacity, and more.

IVC filter recalls have made many headlines in recent years, but there are still patients coping with the aftermath of implantation.

What are IVC filters?

the IVC filter market continues to grow despite complicationsIn the 1960s, IVC filters were first made available to the medical community and the primary purpose of these devices is to capture blood clots that travel from the lower part of the body to the lungs and the heart.

IVC filters serve as a permanent implant in the inferior vena cava, the vein that takes blood to the heart from the lower portions of the body.

In certain affected patients, blood clots can travel from leg vessels and the pelvis up through the inferior vena cava and into the lungs. These can develop into deep vein thrombosis and can develop into pulmonary emboli, representing severe risks to the affected patient.

Types of Therapies Used to Address Underlying Conditions

Various anticoagulant therapies may be assigned to patients, including Warfarin, to manage the clotting factor of the blood. For those individuals who cannot manage their conditions with medications and are at high risk for DVT and PE, the doctor may recommend surgical implantation of an IVC filter.

Unfortunately, as this most recent CR Bard IVC filter lawsuit illustrates, patients face higher risks of serious thromboembolic events and other severe side effects.

CR Bard was the first of these medical device manufacturers to get FDA approval for their retrievable IVC filter. According to the CR Bard IVC filter lawsuit, the clearance provided by the FDA in that case was acquired despite a lack of appropriate testimony on the effectiveness and safety of these devices.

As with the patient in the most recent CR Bard IVC filter lawsuit, patients who receive a permanent IVC filter may have a higher risk of developing DVT or suffering fatal injuries.

If you sustained IVC filter injuries, you may benefit from filing a CR Bard IVC filter lawsuit. Consult with the lawyers at McDonald Worley to better understand your rights. The case evaluation is free, so call today!


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