Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer

The best thing a person can do after an auto accident is to seek qualified legal assistance right away. This includes taking the time to speak to a car accident lawyer in Long Beach, regardless of what caused the accident or who was responsible.

A common mistake people make is to do everything on their own after an auto accident, which results in unwanted trouble. It’s best to reach out to an injury attorney with years of experience. McDonald Worley is more than happy to provide legal representation for all of your auto-related needs.

When a person has to deal with an auto accident, it’s important to make sure the resulting decisions are handled correctly. For this to happen, we highly recommend contacting our Long Beach law firm as soon as possible. We take the time to understand the client’s needs before coming up with a customized assistance strategy. All it takes is a simple phone call to get started.

How Much Does Hiring an Auto Accident Attorney Cost?

The first thing a client will think about is the potential cost associated with hiring a lawyer. In general, the average person can afford a qualified legal professional in Long Beach, Why is this the case? The reason has to do with law firms in Long Beach taking cases on what’s called a contingency basis. As a result, new clients don’t have to pay for legal services ahead of time and can do so after the case is resolved.

This is essential for those who are in search of a cost-efficient solution and want to handle everything properly. When you take the time to visit our law firm, we make sure everything is done on a contingency basis. You get the opportunity to sit with a qualified legal representative without having to pay a dime upfront.

Why Should I Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer in Long Beach?

Imagine you have just been in an auto accident and are at-fault. What are you going to do to get out of trouble? With the help of a qualified Long Beach, California auto accident attorney, it’s possible to revisit the evidence, understand what caused the accident, and come up with a strategy that’s in your favor. The lawyer will know what to look for and how to present the case correctly.

The average client will not have legal experience and can easily miss key details that could help their case. These little details can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your legal chances. As a result, it’s recommended to go with a lawyer that knows what they’re doing and will make the right decisions.

On the same note, imagine getting into an auto accident and not being at-fault. What if you can’t prove that it is not your fault? This is where a good auto accident lawyer near Long Beach can help out.

Without valid proof, the other party could easily walk away without having to pay a cent in compensation. Whether it is a minor repair bill or serious medical fees, you want to make sure appropriate measures are taken on your behalf in court. This is why qualified legal assistance is a must when it comes to presenting a strong case.

What Steps Should You Take After an Auto Accident?

The first step is to make sure you don’t start speaking to insurance agents and/or other legal entities before consulting with a lawyer. The only contact a person should be making is with the other party to exchange contact/insurance details or with the first responders/police officers at the scene.

Other than this, it is recommended to avoid speaking to anyone else on the matter. It’s also best to avoid apologizing after the auto accident as it can easily be misconstrued as admitting guilt and can easily be used in the court of law by the other party.. The same applies to those who say they are “okay” after getting into an auto accident and later file a personal injury claim in court. This is why it is smart to avoid overstating anything and simply waiting for a medical professional to take a look at you.

It’s also best to spend time taking visual evidence (pictures) of the accident while collecting the other party’s contact information. This information can be used later on even if it doesn’t seem necessary as soon as the accident takes place.

You should always take the opportunity to seek medical assistance after an auto accident. This is essential as the average person will tend to feel lingering symptoms such as pain after the initial adrenaline rush goes away. This is why having a qualified medical professional run a series of tests can be useful.

During this process, you shouldn’t be speaking too much and should allow an auto accident attorney the opportunity to speak on your behalf. This may seem unnecessary but it can make a noticeable difference in your chances of winning the case. The first thing an insurance company is going to do is reach out to you. if this occurs, you should pass their contact details over to your legal attorney. The law firm will speak to the insurance company from that point forward on your behalf.

What Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Long Beach?

The average auto accident in California tends to happen due to one of three reasons.

These reasons include:


When a person goes above the speed limit on a road, this is deemed to be speeding. This is illegal and also increases the likelihood of getting into an auto accident.

Even when a person is following the speed limit, they can still be involved in an auto accident. However, it is always important to understand that speeding does increase the chances of getting into an auto accident. This is why going above the speed limit should be avoided.

When you notice another driver speeding, it’s recommended to pull over and let them go past you. This will ensure you don’t get into an auto accident and have to deal with the resulting consequences.

Distracted Driver

Being on the road can often lead to drivers getting distracted. This can involve passengers in the vehicle, eating food, animals on the road, or texting and driving. Some of these concerns can be out of your control but it’s important to handle the ones that are in your control.

A good example of this would be children arguing in the back of a vehicle. In this case, it’s best not to interfere and take your eyes off the road at any point. It may not seem easy at the time but it’s the right decision for everyone involved.

For those who tend to text and drive, it’s often cited as a common issue for causing auto accidents. This situation can lead to several dangerous problems and should be avoided at all costs. It can put you and others at risk. This is why it’s best to leave those funny memes for another time of the day.


If you are someone that has been drinking, it’s best to have a designated driver for your ride home. It’s as simple as that. While it may not be as easy as trying to drive on your own, it can save lives and help avoid an auto accident.

Don’t assume you can get behind the wheel after drinking. Even if you are going to be driving a short distance, it’s still unsafe and not worth taking a chance.

Is It Advisable to Speak to the Insurance Adjuster on My Own?

No, it is not a good idea to reach out to an insurance adjuster without speaking to a qualified lawyer. The adjuster will want to squeeze your hand and reduce how much is being paid out in compensation. As a result, it’s best to have an experienced personal injury lawyer speak on your behalf and make sure the right amount is given to you as expected.

Call Our Long Beach Car Accident Attorneys Today.

Get started by reaching out to one of the Long Beach car accident lawyers at McDonald Worley today.. We are more than happy to speak to you online or by phone. You can also submit a form on our website to get things underway.

We will take the time to go through all of your legal options and put together a strategy that’s best suited to your situation. Please take the time to call us at (871) 721-3423. As mentioned before, delaying proceedings can weaken your case and it’s best to take action as soon as possible. Simply give us a call and let us help!


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