Spinal cord injuries are always a harrowing experience and can have a powerful impact on the lives of the victim and their family. Because the spinal cord is such an important part of the body when it is damaged the implications can be life-changing. Total or partial paralysis is often a result and spinal cord injuries can also lead to the loss of body function from the point of injury on down to the toes. Because they can’t be repaired, these injuries will impact the rest of the patient’s life. If someone suffers a spinal cord injury in Houston we strongly suggest they contact a lawyer.
At McDonald Worley, we represent people who have suffered catastrophic spinal cord injuries. We aggressively fight on behalf of our clients to obtain compensation for this type of life-altering event. Call our Houston, Texas, office today at (281) 623-1906 to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help return your life to normal.
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Are Spinal Cord Injuries Classified As Catastrophic?
Spinal cord injuries, also called (SCIs), can occur in a wide variety of ways but are commonly associated with serious accidents. Traffic accidents cause a large portion of SCIs, but they can also be called from sports-related injuries. Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating types of injuries and always bring with them a major change to the injured victim’s life. If you or someone you care about has suffered a spinal cord injury, you can rely on a personal injury lawyer with McDonald Worley, to provide you with certain legal remedies to this desperate situation.
Because the spinal cord is like a command center that transmits the brain’s commands to the rest of the body when it becomes damaged, these messages can no longer be sent and parts of the body may suffer impairment. There may be some cases where sensation and even mobility can be restored with surgery or physical therapy.
According to the NSCSC, there are roughly 54 spinal cord injuries for every 1,000,000 people in the US each year. From this number, over 17,000 are SCI cases, this is because the figure only covers those that survive the accident, there were 282,000 people living in the US in 2016. In the 1970’s the average age for spinal cord injuries was 29, today that figure has risen to 42.
What Are Common Causes And Costs Of Spinal Cord Injuries??
According to the statistics held by the CDC as of 2016, these are the most common causes of spinal cord injury.
- 46% are caused by motor vehicle accidents (commercial trucking, bicycle, motorcycle, and pedestrians hit by vehicles).
- 22% result from fall accidents, which are the major cause of workplace accidents. Most of the injuries and accidents sustained by senior Americans (15%) come by way of a fall.
- 16% of spinal cord injuries can be from criminal violence, often from gunshot or deep knife wounds.
- 12% are attributable to sports. Many athletic activities like contact sports and other extreme supports increase the risks of spinal cord injuries.
- Some spinal cord injuries (<5%) can be the result of medical malpractice – a surgical error or misdiagnosis – or can be made much worse because of it.
The Christopher Reeve Foundation recently calculated the total financial costs of spinal cord injuries. Below are the average costs spinal cord injury victims face per year:
- High Quadriplegia (C1-C4): $1,064,716 for the first year and $184,891 each year thereafter.
- Low Quadriplegia (C5-C8): $769,351 the first year and then $113,423 per year thereafter.
- Paraplegia: $518,904 the first year $68,739 each year after.
- Incomplete motor function (any level): $347,484 the first year and $42,206 each year after.
Spine injuries have a variety of life-changing and grievous consequences, among them paralysis. Not only will these injuries require extensive medical treatment, but will also severely impact living and the victim will need to relearn many skills required from day-to-day. As a rule, those who experience spinal cord injuries will end up living a much-reduced lifespan.
Those who have sustained spinal cord injuries will also be left with a series of health and physical conditions that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. These may include irregular blood pressures, incapacity to control bowel functions, decreased resistance to respiratory functions. In general, those who suffer spinal cord injuries will need ongoing medical care throughout their life and many other costly adjustments to their life and environment.
As you may imagine, the defendant’s insurance company will do everything they can to avoid responsibility and the high-costs of compensation by offering those who have suffered a spinal cord injury to accept an unspeakably low settlement. This is the reason that anyone who has sustained such an injury at another fault should avail themselves of a seasoned Spinal Cord Injury who can place pressure on the insurance company and obligate them to fulfill their responsibilities, even if it means taking the case to trial.
The stakes in a spinal cord injury case can be very high and the potential for compensation will rest on the capacity to negotiate with the insurance company. This is why you deserve a proper law firm m who has experience in handling these cases and our team can help.
How Are Spinal Cord Injuries Classified?
Spinal cord injuries can be classified in a number of ways.
- Complete – this is when all feeling and capacity to control movements have been lost below the injury
- Incomplete – this happens when not all feeling and motor capacity has been lost below the injured area.
Paralysis from a spinal cord injury is referred to as:
- Tetraplegia (quadriplegia) – Arms, legs, waist, hands, and organs are all affected by the injury.
- Paraplegia – All or some of the trunk, legs, and organs are affected.
These types of injuries are also a common occurrence in the workplace, especially in places like construction yards, where fall accidents are a major occupational hazard. In other cases, SCIs can result from a sports injury, especially when players are not wearing proper protective gear. In other cases these injuries can be seen after a surgical procedure, to treat scoliosis for example.

If you or someone you love has been in an accident and suffered a spinal cord injury caused by the carelessness of another individual, you deserve compensation for your injuries and the pain you have suffered. To find out more about your options, call the Houston law offices of McDonald Worley at (281) 623-1906. We will provide you with a free consultation where we look over your case and provide you with our professional opinions.
How much is a Spinal Cord Claim Worth?
If you or someone in your family has sustained a spinal cord injury caused by the negligence of another, you may have the right to seek financial damages. Spinal cord injuries are always of the most egregious and deserve a commensurate compensation that reflects how terrible they truly are.
For this reason, our Houston spinal cord injury lawyers will apply all their skills and experience in getting you more than just the regular reimbursement.. This means that in addition to the compensation medical expenses, pain and suffering, our Houston Lawyers will also pursue damages that will cover the costs foot modifications that will probably be done to your home to make life a bit easier. It is very important to us that you receive as much help to restore your life to where it was before the accident.
Furthermore, a spinal cord injury can also mean that you suffer a loss of productivity and the wages that can be accumulated from working. Your spinal cord injury lawyer in the Houston area will do their best to reach a settlement that grants you financial support in this regard.
Contact Our Houston Spine Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation
In the wake of a serious injury of this nature it is only natural to feel overwhelmed and desperate. This has led many to accept low-ball settlement offers and otherwise jeopardize their chances of top-dollar compensation. Because there will be so many important decisions to make all at once, we advise you to allow our qualified legal professional handle the difficult questions and protect your injuries while you focus on your treatment and the best course to recovery.
To begin your spinal cord injury claims process, contact the law offices of McDonald Worley to schedule your free consultation. We will take the time to explain your rights and options and even recommend an advantageous route to the settlement you deserve.