Hernia Patch Infection Lawsuit Alleges Adhesions

A new hernia patch infection lawsuit was filed against C.R. Bard after complications during a hernia repair left a Louisiana man severely injured.

According to the hernia patch infection lawsuit, the surgical mesh that was used during the procedure is unreasonably defective and dangerous, leading to multiple follow-up procedures and infections that carry their own risks.

The Bard monofilament knitted polypropylene mesh was used during a 2006 incisional hernia repair in this most recent hernia patch infection lawsuit case.

In 2015, however, that same patient returned to the hospital alleging discomfort, swelling and increasing pain located in his abdomen. Upon further investigation, doctors identified that the patient had an abdominal wall abscess.

According to the hernia patch infection lawsuit, further surgery revealed that the Bard hernia mesh was affected by bacteria and contaminated but it could not be removed in full because it had become so embedded in the plaintiff’s body.

Covidien hernia mesh lawsuit filed after serious complicationsThe plaintiff who filed the hernia patch infection lawsuit was then told that he would face a high risk of recurrence due to the fact that not all of the material could be removed from his body.

His options at the time were a complicated surgery to try to remove the remaining mesh or using oral antibiotics for the rest of his life.

Several months after the initial surgery to attempt to remove part of the hernia patch, doctors identified that the remainder of the mesh in his body had also become infected. At the same time, they identified that that infection was now resistant to antibiotics.

One month later, the plaintiff went through surgery again to try to remove all of the hernia mesh but doctors discovered at that point in time that he had developed a fistula.

While the surgeons made their best effort to remove as much as possible of the mesh, they cannot be certain that they took all of it because of how embedded the mesh had become into his body.

According to the hernia patch infection lawsuit, the plaintiff has never fully recovered from the injuries he sustained as a result of this surgery.

Hernia Mesh Complications

Multiple revision surgeries and serious infections often follow for consumers who go through hernia repair surgery.

The patients who choose to file a lawsuit against the maker of the device argue that they were never told about the problems they might experience when the device was implanted.

Those who begin to experience pain claim they didn’t know about the severity of the problem until they went back to the hospital to have it removed.

More patients are coming forward to allege severe and preventable injuries like those mentioned in this recent hernia patch infection lawsuit.

If you’ve suffered significantly injures like an infection after the implantation of hernia mesh, consult with the lawyers at McDonald Worley. 


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