Have you been injured in a train accident or derailment?

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Train Accident Lawyer

Recently, an Amtrak crash in Missouri headed to Chicago left 150 people injured and 4 dead. The train collided with a dump truck at an uncontrolled crossing, causing several train cars to derail.


Know your Rights

If you or someone you care about has suffered a serious railroad-related injury, contact us. Our train accident injury attorneys can advise you of your legal rights and options. Whether your accident involved a highway-rail incident or a serious injury that you sustained while waiting for or boarding a train, we can help. Our personal injury attorneys had represented clients in settlement negotiations and courtroom trials when negotiation talks were unsuccessful. We can help you fight for compensation for your injuries and will give Power to Your Voice.

Injured in a train accident or derailment?

The best injury attorneys know that cases are about more than just large settlements and wins in court. For the people affected, justice matters.  McDonald Worley is here to support you in rebuilding your life after a tragedy, and we will ensure that your needs aren’t ignored.

Train Accident Investigation

When there is a train derailment or accident, typically the railroad company will be required to call their own team of investigators to the scene to protect their interests. At times, the railroad company is notified of the accident prior to emergency medical staff, state patrol, or other law enforcement officers.

It is essential that you quickly have the scene investigated by your own train accident lawyers. With extensive training in accident reconstruction, we at McDonald Worley can work to ensure that evidence is not lost, destroyed, or tampered with.

Who Can Be Held Accountable?

Many train accidents are caused by negligent railway employees. For example, there have been crashes and derailments because the engineer either ignored track signals or was speeding. Other instances of negligence leading to a train accident include improper braking or failing to release the handbrake, and poorly aligned railroad switches. Many of these instances boil down to distraction, improper employee training, or just plain carelessness. In some cases, both the employee and the railroad company can be held liable for damages.

Common Train Accident Injuries

Train wreck victims can suffer substantial and sometimes fatal injuries. Here are some of the most serious injuries that can result from a train accident:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Broken bones
  • Organ damage
  • Chemical burns
  • Lung damage or other illnesses related to chemical inhalation

In the United States, dealing with major injuries can be incredibly expensive, especially when victims require surgery and long-term medical treatment. When surgery is involved, patients are also at risk of infection, which can substantially hinder the recovery process. It's also very common for accident victims to experience emotional trauma such as: 

  • stress
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • trouble sleeping 

In these cases, a victim may need to start seeing a therapist or taking medication to begin enjoying life again. The cost of therapy and prescription medication can be expensive and cause even more stress and anxiety. If this situation sounds familiar, reach out to a personal injury attorney to see if they can help you recover compensation. You shouldn't have to go into debt because of an accident that wasn't your fault.

Contact a Knowledgable Train Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one were injured in a train crash as a result of someone else's negligence, get in touch with a skilled train accident lawyer at McDonald Worley. Call now and schedule a free legal consultation to see if we will be able to take on your case.

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Houston, Texas 77056

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