¿Qué Puedo Hacer si me Lesiono en un Accidente Automovilístico?

After getting injured in a car accident, the reaction of our brain and body is to focus on getting out of the dangerous situation and finding ways to heal. Often, we are so tired of the unexpected incident that we are not sure what to do, since our thinking is disconnected and we are in survival mode simply by reacting to the situation.

Knowing what you can do before an accident occurs can help you prepare in case the situation arises when you are or a loved one injured in a car accident.

First steps when being injured in a car accident

Stay on the scene

The first thing to do is make sure you stay at the scene of the accident when there are injuries.

Take several minutes to get back to the situation as much as you can. Look around, observe your surroundings and scan your body, paying attention to the areas of need. This will help to let your body know that the immediate accident has happened and will allow your nervous system to be aware of any injuries. This is important because sometimes the crash of a car accident can mask injuries.

Check the condition of all passengers and drivers involved

After you have taken several minutes to register with yourself, be sure to check how others are in your vehicle to see if they have been injured. If someone has a back or neck injury, be sure not to move it and wait for emergency personnel to help you. Also check the driver and passengers of the other vehicle to determine their injuries.

Ask for medical help if someone needs it, or ask someone to call you if you can’t.

Whenever you have an accident, even if you do not feel hurt right away or if your injuries were not serious enough to justify urgent or emergency care, you should still visit your own doctor or another doctor who can give you immediate medical attention. . Sometimes, injuries may not appear until later and it is important to have documentation of your care.

Contact the police

Whenever there are personal injuries or property damage, the police should be called. Be sure to request that a police report be submitted and request the name and badge number of the officers who have responded to the scene for your records.

Exchange information with the other driver (s) and any passenger

While doing so, don’t apologize for anything, like saying “I’m sorry, I didn’t even see the stop sign.” You’re good? “You do not want to admit the fault of the accident by mistake, and it is better to concentrate on controlling everyone’s health, provide information calmly and wait for the officers to arrive to discuss any facts related to the car accident.

Be sure to get the following information:

  • All passengers / drivers: names, addresses and phone numbers.
  • All drivers involved: insurance information, driver’s license number and vehicle license plate number of all vehicles involved

Collect witness information

If there are witnesses present at the scene, be sure to get a detailed description of what they saw and take note of their names, phone numbers and addresses as well.

Take damage photographs

Taking pictures of any damage on the scene can be very useful for you, as insurance adjusters consider compensation and can help provide more details about the situation.

Get in touch with your insurance company

Póngase en contacto con su compañía de seguros lo antes posible después del accidente. Asegúrese de decirles la verdad sobre lo que llevó a la situación, citando cualquier informe policial que pueda indicar un fallo o quién violó las leyes de tránsito relevantes. Si se descubre que el titular de la póliza ha mentido sobre algún aspecto de la situación, pueden surgir serios problemas, por lo que es importante ser honesto.

Considere contactar a un abogado lo antes posible

Trabajar con un abogado a menudo puede ayudarlo a obtener toda la compensación a la que tiene derecho legalmente, lo que puede no proporcionarse si trabaja directamente con su compañía de seguros. Un abogado puede comenzar a ayudarlo inmediatamente antes de que la compañía de seguros realice su propia investigación, lo que puede sesgarse a favor de la compañía de seguros.

Un abogado puede ayudarlo a asegurarse de que tiene toda la documentación necesaria para respaldar su reclamo y puede hablar en su nombre cuando trate con compañías de seguros.

Use la discreción cuando discuta el accidente con otros

Solo debe discutir los detalles del accidente con la policía, su compañía de seguros y su abogado. No debe hablar con el representante de la compañía de seguros de otro conductor sin el conocimiento previo de su abogado o de su propia aseguradora. Puede pedirle a la compañía de seguros de la otra parte que se comunique con su abogado o su compañía de seguros para concertar una entrevista.

Tomar acciones legales después de lesionarse en un accidente automovilístico

Experienced McDonald Worley attorneys are available to provide you with a free review and consultation of the case if you have been injured in a car accident. Plaintiffs can often recover significant amounts of money to help pay for medical expenses, lost wages and more.


Unless we win!

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