American Medical Association Demands Immediate Ban on All  E-cigarettes

The American Scientific Association (AMA) is seeking an immediate ban on all e-cigarettes. This came after numerous lung-related deaths that are linked to e-cigarettes.

If the ban takes place, it will pull all merchandise from the stores. None of these products was reviewed even though they are on the market for ten years.

The FDA is often criticized for constantly postponing the review of these products; the next date is up till 2022.

More than forty people were killed after using electronic cigarettes; chemical burns on the lungs are often the reason for the deaths but also for severe lung injuries.

More than 2000 people were hospitalized due to such injuries; Washington, Washington DC, Alaska, are just a few of the states that are treating patients with terrible lung injuries.

The lung injuries resemble a lot to those of the troopers that were attacked with mustard gasoline through World War 1.

AMA president Dr. Patrice Harris said that these lung injuries take a massive outbreak and scare the doctors across America.

The use of electronic cigarettes grew in the past few years; the victims are mostly young people aged 17 to 30. Most of them are using e-cigarettes for vaping THC, which is the main ingredient in marijuana. E-cigarettes are not used for vaping nicotine that frequently as for THC.

AMA cited a flow of young people (especially teenagers) buying and using electronic cigarettes as one of the main reasons for their demand for a nationwide ban.

If you suffered vaping injuries or known someone who went through such a process, first of all, seek medical help. Don’t forget that you have the right to seek legal help while getting justice on your side.

Call us and schedule your first free consultation with our lawyers.


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