Lawsuit: Manufacturer Didn’t Warn About Invokana Toe Amputations

More patients have experienced Invokana toe amputations after taking a drug they thought would help them.

A new lawsuit alleges that complications of this drug led to Invokana toe amputations on the left and the right foot.

A Colorado man claims that his toe amputation and his left foot amputation were both related to complicating side effects of Invokana.

Invokana is a diabetes medication that has been connected with a high risk of amputations.

The complaint was recently filed in New Jersey federal court, alleging that manufacturers Johnson & Johnson and their Janssen subsidiary are responsible for these dangerous side effects about which the patient says he was never warned.

The plaintiff in that lawsuit, Todd B., says he was prescribed Invokana in August 2014 for treatment of his diabetes.

In June 2015, however, he went through a transmetatarsal amputation of his left foot. This was followed by an Invokana toe amputation on the right foot in October 2015.

More plaintiffs argue that they weren’t told about problems with Invokana toe amputations until it was too late.

The lawsuit alleges that the amputations were directly tied to Invokana complications, arguing that other patients were deceived about the drug’s safety.

Unfortunately, a growing number of patients have come forward to tell their doctors and the FDA about health risks linked directly to Invokana.

At the end of 2015, diabetic ketoacidosis warnings were added to the Invokana label due to the dangers of that serious condition connected to the use of Invokana.

In June 2016, the label warnings were again updated to reflect the connection between kidney risks and Invokana.

In May 2017 however, the FDA added a warning about Invokana toe amputations, foot amputations, and leg amputations..

man-taking-pillsManufacturers of similar diabetes medications say that the risk of foot and toe amputations is a risk very unique to users of Invokana.

Currently, there are numerous Invokana lawsuits pending in the federal court system.

Many of these patients all over the country have suffered similar side effects and claim that the warning labels on the drugs never provided appropriate details about the dangers of these risks so the patients could make an informed decision about whether or not to use the drug.

If you discover that a drug you were taking because you believed it would help you actually caused you severe pain and suffering, this can serve as grounds for a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer.

Particularly if the side effects of taking the medication include amputation or other severe complications impacting your day-to-day life, it’s important that you speak with an attorney about the right to file legal action.

The Invokana Toe Amputation Lawsuit is Case No. 3:18-cv-10026, in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

If you have been negatively affected by Invokana, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit with the help of the experienced attorneys at McDonald Worley. Call today for a free case review.

Disclaimer: McDonald Worley is not representing the plaintiff in this lawsuit.


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