Rollovers are among the most serious auto accidents with a higher risk of severe injury and fatality. In the event you or someone you love experiences a rollover crash it may be that you can secure significant financial recovery as a result. The key is to meet with seasoned auto accident lawyers in Houston who are able to assess the facts of the case and decide whether defective equipment or components were to blame for the rollover accident.
The professionals at McDonald Worley are prepared to use our experience and in-depth knowledge of the law when reviewing all potential rollover crash claims. Our team is equipped with the full spectrum of resources needed to get you on the road to recovery. Call us at (281) 623-1906 in order to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation to learn more about what we can do to help.
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What Is A Rollover Accident?
Rollover crashes are a particular type of accident in which a car or truck tips onto its roof or its side. Accidents of this sort tend to be some of the most severe kinds of auto-related incidents, frequently producing devasting injuries as well as deaths. Though it is often the case that a rollover crash was the result of operator negligence, there are many instances in which defective design or manufacture of vehicles or their components play a major role in such events.
What Are Common Causes Of Rollover Crashes?
It is often true that a negligent driver will be to blame in a rollover crash in Houston, Texas. Negligence known to contribute to these kinds of incidents can include:
Loss of Driver Control
In cases of this nature, a driver may have simply lost control of the vehicle they are operating, whether because of drowsiness, texting behind the wheel, adjusting the radio or the like. Distractions that lead a driver to strike a curb, for instance, can cause a disruption in the center of gravity sufficient to result in a rollover.

Engaging in Unsafe Driving
This is when a driver acts in a dangerously aggressive or careless manner, including speeding and attempting to navigate a sharp turn too quickly. When tires are subjected to increased friction under such circumstances, rollovers become more likely.
Equipment Defects
It may be that the injuries you have sustained in a rollover accident are the result of defectively designed or manufactured vehicles or components. SUVs and trucks, while popular, also have a high center of gravity, increasing the chances of a rollover. The faulty design of such vehicles can mean that they are prone to tipping even during routine conditions or minor collisions. It is also possible for faulty seat restraints, stability controls, airbags and the like to be responsible for an exacerbation of injuries suffered during a rollover event. Under such circumstances, it may be possible to pursue the manufacturer of the defective equipment under a theory of product liability.
Defectively Designed, Built, or Maintained Roadways
There are cases in which those responsible for planning, constructing and overseeing road maintenance may be named as defendants in a rollover crash lawsuit if conditions at the time of the accident played a role in the injuries suffered. A failure to install proper signaling or to prevent uneven surfaces and potholes may create conditions that contribute to a serious rollover crash. Missing or damaged guardrails may also be cause to pursue agencies charged with maintaining and designing roads.
How Is Fault Determined In Rollover Crashes?
In order to secure damages in a rollover lawsuit, it is necessary to establish that another person or party’s negligent acts or omissions were the cause of your injuries. Our personal injury attorneys are able to assess precisely who is to blame for your Houston area rollover crash and determine critical issues of causation.
For instance, it may be that another motorist veered into your lane of traffic, forcing you to take evasive action to prevent a crash. This might, in turn, have caused a loss of control over your vehicle, ultimately ending with a rollover event. The encroaching driver could well be held liable for what occurred because causation began with his or her negligent act. There are, of course, evidentiary hurdles that will need to be cleared before compensation can be obtained, but that is the reason it is so important to enlist the help of a skilled rollover crash attorney.
Key Tools Used By Accident Attorneys To Establish Liability:
- Photographic evidence
- Testimony of eyewitnesses
- Police reports
- Surveillance video from the crash site
Conclusively establishing negligence is not a job for a novice. Victims really do need the assistance of a knowledgeable accident attorney who understands precisely the type of evidence needed in order to prevail and secure the financial resources you need in order to recover.
Why Should I Hire A Lawyer For My Rollover Case?
Though you are not legally required to secure representation following a car accident, taking that step is a great way to increase your chances of receiving compensation. Following a crash, you will likely face vehicle repair bills, medical expenses, lost wages and other types of financial losses. As such, an accident lawyer can start taking steps right away to preserve your rights and begin working to win the compensation you need and deserve.

Hiring McDonald Worley affords you the opportunity to work collaboratively with car accident lawyers, rather than paralegals or support staff.. We stand ready to provide the hands-on attention your case requires. What’s more, we offer our services on the basis of a contingency fee arrangement, meaning that no legal fees will ever be owed unless we succeed in your case.
What Kinds Of Compensation Can Be Obtained In Rollover Cases?
Regardless of the type of defendants in your case, whether a governmental agency, fellow motorist or vehicle manufacturer, the key is to get a good grasp on the precise value of your injury claim. If you accept a lowball settlement offer early on, you will be prevented from seeking additional resources down the line. Based on the sort of injuries you are able to establish, it may be possible to obtain compensation for things such as:
- Medical expenses
- Costs of physical rehabilitation
- Reduced earning capacity
- Lost wages
- Lost enjoyment
- Mental pain and suffering
- Physical disfigurement
When a family member has been killed in a rollover crash, it may be possible to seek wrongful death damages. In some situations, punitive damages may also be available as a means to deter and punish particularly egregious conduct causing a rollover accident.
Get In Touch With A Seasoned Houston Rollover Lawyer
The rollover accident lawyers of McDonald Worley possess vast experience in assisting victims of serious crashes across the Houston area. Don Worley and his team of skilled legal professionals are fully committed to safeguarding your legal rights and aggressively seeking every dollar of compensation to which you are entitled. If you would like a no-cost, no-obligation meeting with our seasoned attorneys, we welcome you to contact our team today.