If you’ve ever been in a Houston automobile accident, there’s a good chance that you didn’t go to the hospital. If the accident was minor, you probably didn’t think you needed to get checked out. Thankfully, your insurance claim was probably paid without issue. You were lucky. If your claim had been denied, you would’ve had to prove that you were injured. This can be very hard (if not impossible) to do if you don’t go to the emergency room.
After any car accident – even a minor one – there are certain things you need to do. First, you need to call the police. They’ll come out and do a thorough investigation. They’ll also prepare a police report that includes the information your Houston car accident lawyer needs to prove your case.
Second, you need to go to the hospital. They’ll do the necessary tests to determine if you’ve been injured. They’ll also treat you for any injuries you suffered in your car accident. The third thing you need to do is call an experienced car crash lawyer in Houston, TX. They’ll review your case and let you know what it might be worth. They can also check to see if there’s enough evidence to prove your case.
The Most Important Thing is That You Make Sure You’re Okay
If you don’t go to the emergency room, you won’t know if you’ve been injured. Unless you’re a doctor, there’s no way to know for sure if you’ve been hurt. You may feel fine but you could have injuries that you don’t see or feel. For example, you could’ve suffered internal injuries or a brain hemorrhage. The only way to know for sure is to go to the hospital.
While at the hospital, the doctors will do the tests necessary to see if you’re hurt. Some of these tests include:
- X-Ray
- CT scan
- Ultrasound
- Physical Examination
- Neurological Examination
Once you’ve had these tests, the doctors will have a good idea of your injuries.
Your Houston Automobile Accident Lawyer Needs to Prove Your Injuries
In order to get you the damages you deserve, your Houston car accident lawyer has to prove you were injured. The easiest way to do this is with your medical records. If you didn’t go to the hospital, they won’t have the benefit of your records.
If you have no medical records, your attorney will have to pay experts to review your case. They can testify on your behalf. But, even if they can prove you were injured, they can’t prove that the accident caused your injuries.
What Kinds of Damages Will Your Houston Car Accident Demand?
The whole point of filing a lawsuit is to get paid for your damages. Even if your accident is minor, there is a chance that you’ll have experienced a loss. If you suffer serious injuries, your Houston car accident lawyer will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. To do this, they need to be able to prove your damages. Some of these will include the following:
- Medical Bills: You’ll be entitled to compensation for any medical bills you accrue as a result of your injuries.
- Lost Wages: Some people miss a lot of time from work following their accident. The defendant will be held liable for these damages.
- Property Damage: Even if you’re in a minor crash, your car is going to be damaged. You can demand reimbursement for the costs to repair or replace your car.
- Pain and Suffering: In serious accident cases, the victims suffer serious pain and suffering. The defendant may be held accountable for your mental and physical anguish.
In order to receive anything, you need to prove your damages. It’s not enough to get into a crash. You have to show that you were injured.
Contact an Experienced Houston Automobile Accident Lawyer Right Away
If you’re hurt in a car accident, you need to go to the hospital. This is the only way your lawyer can prove you were hurt. If you can’t do this, you will not get any damages. And that is the whole point of filing suit in the first place.
Call today and schedule your initial consultation with one of our experienced Houston accident injury attorneys. The consultation is free and you pay nothing unless you settle your case. The defendant will have lawyers working for them and you should too.