3 Tips for Hiring a Back Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX

One in five workplace injuries involve the back. They’re included in 1/4 of all compensation indemnity claims.

That’s only one reason that a back injury could end up in court. They can also be caused by negligent drivers or motorcyclists and slips and falls.

Damage to even one of the back’s 24 bones or the 31 pairs of nerves going out from the spine can be debilitating. Seeking representation helps prove the cause of your injury and get the compensation you need.

Read on for three tips for hiring a back injury lawyer in Houston, TX.

1. Expertise and Reputation

Look through several Houston attorneys before you make your decision. See which one has the most experience in cases involving back injuries. 

How often have they won compensation for their past clients? Are they able to consult with other professionals such as medical experts? Which insurance companies have they taken on before?

Injury lawyers who’ve been practicing for years will begin to develop a reputation, either positive or negative. Look for reviews to see what past clients thought of them.

2. Price

Finances are often difficult after a back injury due to lost work and medical bills. Look for a lawyer that offers a free consultation. They should be willing to answer any questions you have and review your case for free.

Many back injury lawyers now work on a contingency basis. They won’t charge you anything upfront and won’t get paid unless they win your case. The average contingency is 30-40%.

This is a helpful compromise, but make sure you understand the details of their fee structure before you agree to it. Find out how it may affect your final compensation and what percentage of it they’ll take. Look for any other charges such as an hourly rate.

3. Communication

Straightforward injury cases can be settled in a few weeks. More difficult cases where there are issues with determining fault can take months, and this often happens with back injuries.

Your back injury lawyer should be willing to communicate with you every step of the way. They should tell you what happens during every part of the process. This starts with telling you about their initial investigations. It then goes on to include what happens during settlement discussions, the trial, and the mediation process if it’s required.

Try to get a sense of how open and communicative your lawyer will be during the initial consultation. Being able to get along will help your case and move it forward faster.

Where to Find a Back Injury Lawyer 

A back injury lawyer works on some of the most complex cases in the personal injury field. Find one that’s experienced and has developed a positive reputation with past clients.

A free consultation lets you communicate with them and learn about their fee structure. Keep the line between you open until the case is closed.

McDonald Warley has a team of Houston lawyers ready to handle a variety of personal injury cases. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.


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