Lawsuit Says Bard Ventralight Hernia Mesh Incompatible

Bard was hit with a lawsuit alleging its Ventralight hernia mesh is incompatible with human tissue and patients with the mesh suffer pain and other medical complications.

Plaintiff Julio N. of North Carolina alleges that he was implanted with Bard Ventralight hernia mesh after hernia repair surgery in 2014. However, the lawsuit claims that the mesh was not compatible with his tissues and he suffered severe pain, nausea, and fatigue shortly after the surgery. Within a short time, Julio had to undergo additional surgery to remove the mesh, alleges the complaint.

The Bard Ventralight hernia mesh caused other complications as well, according to the lawsuit. The plaintiff had to have surgery to drain an abscess on his abdominal wall and have a wound VAC placed. The complaint alleges that the 65 year-old man still suffers chronic pain from the implantation of the mesh.

Bard’s Ventralight hernia mesh “was made of materials which are biologically incompatible with human tissue and react negatively and sometimes dangerously with a large number of those on whom it is used,” alleges the complaint.

Further, Bard “knew or should have known that their Product was unreasonably harmful,” says the plaintiff. “The scientific evidence knew or should have known of demonstrates that the mesh is incompatible with human tissue and often causes a negative immune response in patients implanted with the Product.”

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According to the lawsuit, Bard marketed the Ventralight hernia mesh as a safe, effective and reliable medical device to patients and doctors; however, the company failed to perform proper and adequate research and testing to determine whether the Bard Ventralight hernia mesh was safe, alleges the complaint.

As a result, the plaintiff and other patients have been exposed to additional risks and medical complications after being implanted with the mesh. Further, Julio alleges that there are safe and reasonable alternatives to the Bard Ventralight hernia mesh that would have allowed him and others to avoid additional surgeries and medical complications caused by the mesh.

“As a result of having the Product implanted, the Plaintiff has experienced significant mental and physical pain and suffering and mental anguish, has sustained permanent injury, has undergone medical treatment and will likely undergo further medical treatment and procedures, has suffered financial or economic loss, and/or lost income, and other damages,” alleges the hernia mesh lawsuit.

The plaintiff is seeking compensation for the hernia mesh complications he suffered from the implantation and removal of the Bard product, as well as for future pain and suffering.

Hernia Mesh Problems

An increasing number of patients have been reporting hernia mesh problems. These problems include chronic pain, inflammation, infection, intestinal problems, skin problems, and flu-like symptoms. If you have had Bard Ventralight hernia mesh or any other hernia mesh implanted and are experiencing any of the above problems, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Additionally, If you have been implanted with Bard Ventralight hernia mesh products, you should consider contacting the lawyers at McDonald Worley for a free case evaluation.

The experienced attorneys at McDonald Worley can help determine if your medical complications were caused by a defect in the product and help you get compensation to pay your medical bills. Call today! 


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